Why there haven't been any updates

Okay, this mod was incredibly successful, mainly thanks to the speedrun.com leaderboard, having around 150 downloads. I made a coming soon post, which would suggest I was going to update the mod. I apologise for saying that and then not updating. the main reason for this is because this mod was made for the  speedrun.com leaderboards, and after an incident with a mucked up retiming I was removed as mod and told I could come back if I wanted to. no hate the mods on the leaderboard, they were all incredibly nice to me, and I made a serious mistake, but I decided not to become a mod again, because I was losing interest in the game anyway. I literally forgot I made this, but I recently found it again. this won't be receiving any updates,  but I will likely be making new things. This mod will stay up, there are multiple leaderboards that require usage of it, and I don't want to cause them any problems, but I figured I would post this to explain. thank you.

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